Friday, January 11, 2008

Hi Everyone:

It is true - today is five months until Pen gets back and I sure hope she has been practicing her Scrabble game ...
You may know her as the party girl, but although I have seen jello shots at my front gate, I assure you all I know her as "Scrabble-Demon."
I have been practicing my skills on my Nintendo-DS (yep, even gramma has one, LOL) and I am poised to beat the "*%$#@" out of our little Pen when she gets here.
My plan is to attack before she has a chance to relax with all of you and go to the movies with her nieces, while she still has jet-lag. I need the advantage.

Let her know if you have any devious plans for her return!!

Oh yes Pen, we have also played LIFE with the girls in your abscence and feel pretty sure we can take you :)
Love you lots,

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